Posts in Project Updates
IOM Iraq Partners with Nadia’s Initiative for Women's Empowerment and Livelihood Programme

The Government of Japan is supporting IOM Iraq, who is partnering with Nadia’s Initiative (NI), for the Women's Empowerment and Livelihood Programme. The aim of this project is to strengthen support systems for women in Sinjar and improve their access to livelihoods.

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Nadia's Initiative Supports Hundreds of Female Farmers in Sinjar, Iraq

Nadia’s Initiative is excited to announce the launch of our Support to Women’s Livelihoods project that will benefit 345 female-headed farming households in Sinjar, Iraq. This project is implemented by Dorcas Aid International and is financed by the GIZ commissioned by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany.

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Nadia's Initiative Supports Hundreds of Survivors of ISIS Captivity and their Families

As a part of our ongoing efforts to support Yazidi survivors of ISIS captivity and their families, Nadia’s Initiative is launching a new project to provide tangible support in the form of household goods, cash, and psychological support to hundreds of Yazidis survivors and their families.

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Nadia's Initiative's COVID-19 Emergency Response Work in Sinjar, Iraq

Nadia's Initiative is mobilizing in Sinjar to respond swiftly and thoroughly to COVID-19 by disinfecting towns and villages, distributing personal protective equipment for primary health clinics and hospitals, and distributing emergency packages that include food and sanitation products to ensure families survive lockdown.

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Nadia's Initiative Rehabilitates 32 Farms in Sinjar Region

Nadia’s Initiative rehabilitated 32 farming households throughout the Sinjar region – a project that began in September 2019. Farming has been a main source of income for Yazidis for generations, but when ISIS attacked the region in 2014, they intentionally burned and destroyed farms to ensure Yazidis would never return.

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