Posts in Beneficiary Testimony
Economically Empowering Survivors of ISIS Captivity through Interim Reparative Measures

"Our living situation has improved greatly since receiving the interim reparations, as has my psychological state. I am now managing my business, and I feel happy when I realize that I can support my family and community through my business," Safia said.

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Eman's Story: Empowering Yazidi Youth Through Access to Higher Education

Yazidi youth are the future of Sinjar, committing to rebuilding what ISIS destroyed and laying the foundations for sustainable peace. Eman is a young Yazidi girl who is promising to do exactly that - giving back to Sinjar by studying English and medicine.

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Dilveen's Story: Empowering Yazidi Youth Through Access to Higher Education

Dilveen is a young Yazidi who fled Sinjar during ISIS’ invasion in 2014 after witnessing the destruction of her homeland. Enrolling in JWL’s Peace Leader course allowed Dilveen to develop problem solving skills, as well as understand how the issues facing Sinjar can be tackled through community-driven work and long-term redevelopment.

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Economically Empowering Women in Sinjar: Qaison's Greenhouse

Nadia's Initiative recognizes that investing in women’s economic independence in Sinjar has far-reaching benefits for their families and the entire community. That's why we're continuously working to restore farmlands and agricultural infrastructure in Sinjar that ISIS destroyed.

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Shakir's Story: Empowering Yazidi Youth Through Access to Higher Education

Shakir always dreamed of becoming a translator and travelling the world, so he enrolled in JWL’s Global English Language course to improve his English skills and turn his dreams into a reality. While his main goal was to improve his communications skills, the course has given him much more.

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Shelter Reparations for Yazidi Survivors of ISIS Captivity

Shelter support is one form of interim reparations included in Nadia’s Initiative and the Global Survivors Fund’s holistic and comprehensive survivors project that also provides interim reparations in the forms of cash, livelihoods, mental healthcare, physical healthcare, education, and legal aid.

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Jaid's Story: Empowering Yazidi Youth Through Access to Higher Education

Jaid hopes to be a professional English teacher in order to serve his community and support the education sector in Sinjar. Education is a critical tool for young Yazidi students seeking to discover their passions, and Jaid’s opportunity to enroll inJWL’s programs has helped him pursue his.

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Economically Empowering Women in Sinjar: Waheeda's Grocery Store

Nadia's Initiative knows that many women like Waheeda in Sinjar and around the world are forced to balance caretaking duties with income-earning responsibilities. That's why we seek to empower women by helping them establish their own small businesses, so they can economically provide for their families, while having the flexibility to decide their own work demands.

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August 3rd: Commemorating the 8th Anniversary of the Yazidi Genocide

Nadia’s Initiative aims to amplify the voices of survivors, so they may share their memories, experiences, and hopes that have kept them moving forward despite all they have been through. Join us in amplifying survivors voices to honor August 3rd and the Yazidi Genocide.

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Facilitating Sinjar's Sustainable Future Through Youth Empowerment

When it comes to rebuilding the Yazidi community, youth empowerment is a vital component in the process of creating more equitable, prosperous, and sustainable communities. To improve access to higher education for Yazidi youth, Nadia’s Initiative is working with JWL to open and run two additional learning centers in Sinjar and Sinuni.

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Yazidi Youth Details Impact of Access to Higher Education in Sinjar

Ghazwan, like many other young Yazidis in his community, is motivated to improve his skill sets to enhance his job prospects and better support his family. By restoring access to higher education in Sinjar, Nadia’s Initiative is providing Yazidi youth with the chance to improve their skills and work toward brighter futures.

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Clean Water Helps Yazidi Returnees in Zorava complex

Upon her return to Zorava complex, Sevi, like many other returnees, was faced with a shortage of clean water. "By restoring the destroyed water infrastructure, Nadia's Initiative provided us with renewed hope. We were grateful for the Initiative's swift response to our needs, which allowed us to resume our daily lives."

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Paving the Road to Economic Recovery: Sinuni Main Road

After years of conflict, poor road conditions became a serious impediment to the success of local businesses in Sinjar. The economic repercussions of genocide created a devastating situation for returnees to Sinjar. By rehabilitating Sinuni Main Road in North Sinjar, Nadia's Initiative and USAID supported the mobility and economic development of many returnees.

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