Statement on UNITAD's recent report detailing the ISIS attack on Sinjar in August 2014 and subsequent acts committed against the Yazidis

UNITAD's new report once again makes clear that the ISIS attack on Sinjar in August 2014 and the subsequent acts committed against the Yazidi community in Iraq constitute genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes. However, what remains unclear is how the thousands of Iraqis and foreign nationals involved in carrying out these attacks will be held accountable and how the process for determining their accountability will proceed.

Justice delayed is justice denied, particularly in a case like this, where the evidence is overwhelming, and tens of thousands of perpetrators are already in custody. Any delay in prosecuting those responsible threatens to undermine the pursuit of justice for the Yazidi community.

The public version of UNITAD’s full report, entitled, “The ISIL Attack on Sinjar in August 2014 and Subsequent Acts Committed Against the Yazidi Community in Iraq,” can be found here.

Brandon Jacobsen