Nadia's Initiative Launches Women's Farming Project

Sinjar has always been known for its agricultural commodities, with women playing an active role in the production of these goods. However, their contributions to the agriculture sector are often overlooked. In the post-conflict period, women in Sinjar confront several challenges, ranging from uneven wages to land rights to a lack of tangible support to rebuild what ISIS destroyed.

Nadia’s Initiative set out to change this lack of support for female farmers by establishing a project to equip female-headed farming households with sustainable agricultural training and an array of tools, resources, and livestock, including greenhouses, solar panels, and sheep.

This tailored project will directly benefit 35 women and their families, helping them regain their financial independence, provide for their families, meet their daily needs, and reduce their dependence on humanitarian aid.

This project is funded by the Government of Flanders.