Social Media Policy Social

Media Guidelines – External Comments

Thank you for following Nadia’s Initiative’s social media channels. We encourage your participation in the conversation around issues that impact Nadia’s Initiative, the Yazidi people, communities in crisis, survivors of sexual violence, and the greater community. At the same time, we expect this conversation will occur in a respectful manner.

Opinions differ; feel free to disagree but do so in a respectful and courteous manner

  • Individuals who use derogatory language, post personal attacks, harass other users, are attempting to sell products or services, infringe on copyrights, or are otherwise deemed inappropriate will have their comments removed and repeated violators may be blocked from following Nadia’s Initiative

  • Comments do not necessarily reflect the beliefs of Nadia’s Initiative, but NI will not remove respectful comments that relate to the issue at hand

Stay on topic

  • Individuals who “spam” or hijack posts for their own purposes rather than contributing to the conversation about the topic will have their comments removed and repeated violators may be blocked from following NI

Handle specific, personal issues off-line or via direct messaging

  • Our staff will have more information and be in a better position to provide assistance to you about a specific issue if you contact NI directly; please use our national platforms as an opportunity to join a broader conversation

Be patient

  • Nadia Initiative’s social media channels are not monitored 24/7. We will do our best to respond to any concerns within 48 hours, but also put our trust in our community to handle disagreements in a mature manner