Nadia's Initiative Rehabilitates Wardiya and Rambosi Primary Health Centers

Wardiya and Rambosi residents now have access to lifesaving care in their villages, as both Wardiya and Rambosi Primary Health Centers have been completed!

Quality healthcare is crucial to the survival of our most vulnerable community members, even more so during a pandemic. Qasim, 53 years old, has battled asthma and hypertension since childhood. When he was infected with COVID-19, his symptoms were severe and required urgent medical attention. However, Qasim couldn’t afford to visit private clinics or the expensive medicine and treatment they offered. Nadia’s Initiative, Hungarian Interchurch Aid, and Sunrise NGO provided Qasim with the necessary oxygen treatment to help him recover.

With affordable healthcare, more Yazidis returning to Sinjar like Qasim will be able to access treatment without the high payments of travel or medicine.

These projects were made possible thanks to funding from Hungary Helps program.