Nadia Murad Commends Luxembourg for Formal Recognition of Yazidi Genocide

Nadia Murad, November 11th, 2022

I commend the Luxembourg Parliament for joining more than seventeen legislative bodies and international organizations that have officially recognized the Yazidi Genocide. As a member of the United Nations Human Rights Council, Luxembourg is sending a strong message to terrorist groups that they will not be granted impunity for genocide or sexual violence. States must not remain silent; acknowledging and officially decrying core international crimes is an essential element of recovery for affected communities and acts as a form of prevention.

Recognition, tangible support, and legal accountability are the best ways to honor the community, commemorate those who were lost, and stand in solidarity with survivors. I hope that other European nations and members of the international community will follow suit, demand justice for Yazidis, and recognize the atrocities committed against my community.

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